Get 5* Hotel Guest Reviews with RingQ Hotel PBX

Achieving 5* reviews from your hotel guests does not only depend on the face-to-face service your staff provides. Many factors go into consideration before a hotel guest gives out the desired 5*. Some of these rely on the equipment and infrastructure your hotel rolls out as well as the technology you use to make their stay as pleasant and easy as possible.

One of these factors could be your hotel PBX! Does your hotel PBX enable your guests to contact you via WhatsApp or Facebook? Does your hotel PBX integrate with your PMS system for faster communication between employees? And does it also offer website live chat integrated for free?

RingQ hotel PBX does all that and more!

1st Class Service at a Low Cost

Offer your hotel guests the first-class service they deserve at a fraction of the cost! With RingQ Hotel PBX you can easily add or remove extensions, use your existing infrastructure and save on investing in new hardware, and communicate with staff who are not office-bound, I.e., housekeeping and maintenance with free VoIP Apps.

Fidelio, Protel & roomMaster Integration

Your PMS (Property Management System) is vital for the smooth operation of your hotel. Therefore, having a hotel PBX that integrates with your PMS is an integral factor in choosing your hotel PBX. With the integration, you can have everything ready for billing upon checkout, see the guest’s name on room service, management as well as reception desks & more.

Facebook, WhatsApp & Live Chat

Increase your online bookings with the free WhatsApp and Facebook integrations that are included in RingQ hotel PBX. With free website Live Chat too you will certainly see your online bookings skyrocket! Additionally, existing guests can use WhatsApp to communicate with your concierge to arrange bookings and activities while they’re not physically in the hotel!

Don't break the bank!Try RingQ free today

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