RingQ Softphone: A Softphone Unlike Any Other
Reliable Connectivity with WebRTC
What sets RingQ apart from other Softphones is use of WebRTC technology for establishing reliable connections between devices. WebRTC, Web Real-Time Communication, is a first-of-its-kind protocol developed by Google that enables real-time communication over the internet. With the power of WebRTC, RingQ is able to spot potential issues with reliability, thereby ensuring a stable and secure connection for users.
Customize your Softphone
RingQ Softphone can be customized accoring to the user’s needs, making it the first software of its kind to offer such a feature. Users can tailor their Softphone interface according to their preferences, further enhancing the usability and functionality of the software.
RingQ Softphone represents a major leap forward in the realm of communication technology. With its seamless cross-platform integration, use of WebRTC, and customizable features, it is paving the way for a new era of communication software.
RingQ Softphone Features
- Call Center – manage your call center
- Wallboard – Call Data
- Chameleon – Customization option
- Wrap-up – Wrap-up calla on-the-go
- Aux Code – Queue logout with Aux code
- Agent Rating – Rate agents
- Cloud PBX – more secure & easy
- Shared Call Parking – hold & auto call retrieval
- Transfer – Blind (User & External)
- Transfer – Attended (User & External)
- Conference – four–way meetings (User & External)
- Presence – set & view user status
- Join – privacy, and convenience to swap calls between devices
- Voicemail – Listen the voice mail on the Go
- DialPad – Inbuilt auto formatting to dial out
- BLF – configure your BLF fields
- QR configuration- scan QR to register account
- Intercom – Covert your Softphone to use as Intercom
- Hotel PBX – Covert your Softphone to use as Hotel Softphone